
Took the boys to see Santa Tuesday...
Yeah. It's probably the last year I get Noah in the picture. ;) I made a deal with him this year...he didn't have to talk to Santa, just be in the picture. (His other option was for me to embarrass him horribly for the coming years by posing him with Santa over and over again or in front of crowds, lol.)
Sorry, btw, that it's been so quiet here on the blog lately. We've been busy enjoying the season and checking off our to-do lists and still participating in our many activities. Rest assured, though, that we're in full holiday swing here...all our holiday cards have been mailed, packages have been shipped, shopping is done, tree is up and decorated, elf continues to move around the house, advent calendars are being followed, Papa candy is being given out, cookies are planned for Santa and everything else. ;) We just haven't been taking many pictures. Sorry. ;)
Reader Comments (1)
Love the story about Noah! Karisa and I laughed out loud!! I need to laugh more! Thanks, Amanda!