
Since I'm mostly avoiding election day hoopla (given that my family and friends are all pretty split and I don't feel compelled to try to argue with people whose opinions are already set, though I *did* go vote)... ;)
Lest you think we've just been homeschooling and haircutting and getting older... ;) Here's a quick run-down on our extracurriculars of late (or you could consider them PE, lol)...
Asher & Micah had their annual "official" karate pictures not long ago. Asher was all serious; Micah had the giggles...serious giggles. ;) (Is it just me, or does Asher's kicking photo seem like "look at my great form" and Micah's seem like "I have a big foot"? LOL) No, no one instructed Micah to stick his tongue out during that block. That's just pure Micah. And, see those giant sword/knives in the bottom center photo? Yeah. After picking the most ridiculous weapons to pose with, Micah also managed to whack the photographer in the head with one of those. Lovely. (Fortunately, the photographer wasn't hurt significantly and was a good sport, lol.) And that last picture is Asher during the Demo Team's photo session. (Yes, he can still do the splits, lol.) :)
That same day, btw, Noah had his first swim meet of the year. Like last school year, his meets are internal. He managed to best his personal times in the three events he swam, though, and then fed himself happy afterward at the spaghetti potluck. (Sorry, no pictures, as it's an indoor pool and pictures turn out crummy...also, I was at karate with the other two, as the events overlapped.)
And, all three boys are now through their first JOAD archery tournament of the season (October thru April). We've been making time to go in about once a week for practice on our own:
(awesome benefit of homeschooling and being able to hit the range while most everyone else is in school or at work, lol)...and, then, also have team practices once a week. October 28 was the first tournament, down in Denver:
Because of the way it was scheduled (by age division...and we're in three different divisions), we ended up splitting up into a morning and afternoon wave...with me taking Asher and Micah in the morning (getting down there by 8am and leaving a bit after 2pm) and Nathan bringing Noah by noon (they got home about 7pm). Micah managed to take first in his division and is quite thrilled with himself. He also set a personal best tournament score, so did pretty well. (Though I should also mention that his only competition was one other little boy on our own team who is new to JOAD, lol.) Regardless, I think the happiest time was when Asher and Micah were done and able to just gather round with the other younger archers and play on someone's iPad. ;)
And that, my friends, is how our extracurriculars are going. :)

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