Halloween (belated)

We didn't go all out for Halloween this year. Didn't even buy or carve pumpkins. We did, however, have some volunteer pumpkins that grew all on their own in our backyard:
After our first snow, we harvested them.
Oh, and speaking of snow:
Yeah, it didn't stick around too long and the boys were silly happy just to play for a few minutes. That was the week before Halloween.
Back to the pumpkins...We set them out in the front and I put up some cobwebs at the last minute (because I just couldn't stand how plain it looked without them, lol). And, because Halloween was pajama day at the boys' quasi-school (and because they were asked specifically not to wear costumes and because I told Micah he could definitely *not* just go in his underwear, lol, and because my guys generally sleep in their clothes (or underwear) anyhow so didn't have any pajamas), Asher and Micah *did* dress up as Noah:
(I particularly love that middle picture of Asher acting like Noah and telling me to stop taking pictures, lol.)
But for trick or treating, Asher transformed into Iron Man and Micah became a ninja. (For Asher's costume, we opted for practical and got this cool Iron Man hoodie that he can wear all the rest of the year, too. We pinned some glo-sticks to his arc reactor area and he was good to go. :) For Micah's costume, he just found a cheap ninja set at Target with the hood/mask and a sword. We already had plenty of black clothes, lol. Love how he's being stealthy behind those cobwebs...)
Noah, again, declared himself too old for trick or treating and stayed home with a friend and Nathan to hand out candy. I donned my Jedi costume again and took the younger two out around our neighborhood...and loved the beautiful-no-coat-necessary weather this year!

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