The past week...

Sorry for the silence. We've been here...just busy. ;) Grandma Nancy came to visit...
THURSDAY: We hit the archery range and I neglected to take photos. Poo. The boys also played plenty of games with Grandma...
FRIDAY: We all headed down to Denver for the day. First we hit the zoo...having realized that Micah has no memories of visiting the zoo:
We enjoyed seeing the sea lions being fed, chasing the peacocks, saying hi to Shifu (the red panda from Kung Fu Panda, lol), watching monkeys swing overhead, seeing the new elephant exhibit, watching pelicans at Monkey Island, measuring Micah against the penguins, playing the drums and staring down the gorillas. Micah now has happy zoo memories. ;)
Full morning. ;) After that, we headed across the parking lot to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science for a late lunch, taking in the new Pompeii exhibit and playing around through the rest of the museum. We also made it up to the terrace and had some fun with panorama shots:
We had to head home after that for Asher's black belt club and demo team practice. :)
SATURDAY: We picked up Noah's glasses then drove up to Rocky Mountain National Park to hike to Calypso Cascades:
It was a lovely hike! After that, we (well, everyone except for me...I was too cold and stayed in the van reading, lol) played a chilly round of miniature golf and then had our traditional dinner at Ed's Cantina before heading home...even managed to get in a game of pinochle once we made it home (taught Noah to play).
SUNDAY: Up early to get the boys to the fun run up in Old Town:
Yes, Noah still ran in jeans. ;) The three of them actually finished rather close together this time...Micah was quite proud. After that...
Micah nabbed two ice cream bars after the finish line then we all meandered around Old Town for a bit...ate some brunch...and headed to the local Irish Festival to watch bagpipers, drummers and Irish dancers. Micah thought the inflated Jameson bottle was cool. ;)
Later, we headed home for some down time and grocery shopping before our first JOAD meeting of the season (Junior Olympic Archery Development). After that, Nathan and I took advantage of Grandma Nancy being here to watch the boys to go out to dinner.
MONDAY & TUESDAY: Were a bit more low-key after all the activity...just games and normal activities (karate and swim team) and walks with Grandma and such. We drove Grandma Nancy to the airport Tuesday afternoon...lovely visit. :)
And that's what we've been up to for the past week...

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