
1. Why does my HOA get all upset about people posting signs in their yards advertising work being done (well, the company doing the work...like house painting or roofing) but allow a gajillion political signs that are even uglier? Personally, I'd far rather get information like recommendations of companies that people around me like...
2. PSA...beware the acorns when running. ;) Love crunching through fallen leaves on my morning runs but realized this morning that I need to be careful not to slip on the acorns.
3. I bought butterfly bandaids for the first time ever yesterday. Yes, they were for Asher. ;) Fortunately, I ended up not needing them. The boy managed to slice his forehead while working on a demo team routine at karate...a routine using kamas. He's healing fine. Honestly, I'm amazed it took this long before he had a karate-induced injury, lol.
4. Apparently the tooth fairy doesn't give out his name to just anyone:
Yeah. Micah lost another tooth yesterday (and only hyperventilated a little bit before deciding he needed to keep a wad of paper towels in his mouth (unnecessarily) for an hour or so and refusing to eat, lol) and left this note. He was super bummed this morning...but not enough to work on pulling the other loose tooth he has so that he can ask again... ;)
Okay, need to go get some other stuff done now before the boys' JOAD practice tonight...
Reader Comments (1)
Barb is looking for acorns - you should email her and let her know where you're slipping on them :)