Berthoud Family Fun Run

Just quickly...the boys participated in their sixth one mile fun run yesterday. They were seemingly happier than on Monday, and we're just delighted with this program. :) Here's the start of the race:
Yes, as you've probably noticed, they wear the same "running outfit" at pretty much every race...makes them easier for me to spot, lol. See that cow in the purple shirt on the far right? Micah's right behind her. The cow actually tripped and fell not long after this and Micah did some fancy footwork to avoid joining the small pile up. He was pretty happy with himself and I love this picture of him coming around the last corner:
All three boys are rather proud of their participation in this program and are banking on it helping them in their physical fitness tests in PE at Options this coming year. Methinks I'm going to actually add monthly "practice" fitness tests to my schedule for the year to help with that since they feel it's so important. :)
So. That's a small slice of our weekend. Our first week of the new school year went pretty well and I'll hopefully be back with an update on that soon...

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