Summer plans.

So. Our local public schools will be finishing up this week. Many of our homeschooling friends are also wrapping up for the academic year. We, since we're sticking with our 3 weeks on/1 week off sort of schedule, will still be doing schoolwork through the summer. I know you're jealous. ;)
But. While we continue with our schoolwork through the summer, it's not quite business as usual. :) We'll likely lighten the academic load a bit to accommodate the extras that happen in the summer. Here's a quick run down of what else we'll be up to this summer in addition to our normal homeschool schedule:
- Noah has signed up for swim team at our neighborhood gym. We've not done this before but are excited. It'll mean 3-5 practices weekday mornings and 5-6 meets during June and July. If any of you have tips or tricks, I'd love to hear 'em!
- Asher and Micah will be doing another session of swim lessons. We'd started earlier than summer this year because we were unsure whether we'd be able to do the summer sessions (due to scheduling). As it turns out, we'll be able to do the June session, and they're stoked. It's twice a week in the afternoons.
- All three are signed up for another session of archery. Because they just love it. ;) (Nathan and I actually each got a chance recently to go for an hour with the moms and dads in our homeschool group. Yeah. We get why the boys love it. ;) It was so much fun!) So. This will be another 6 week hour a week.
- Asher and Micah continue to do karate twice a week and love it. During the summer, we'll switch to the morning sessions probably (just cooler in the gym/facility in the mornings).
- All three are also still participating in the Healthy Kids program and are looking forward to the upcoming Fun Runs this summer. We have four more before September.
- We've also signed up for a few local offerings and will be taking advantage of them as we can throughout the summer...things like cheap movies at our local theater, free bowling for the boys, and our local library's summer reading program. Yay for local stuff!
And that's that. Busy.
Also. I'm starting to think about what we'll tackle next year already. (To clarify, we consider each academic year to start the day after Labor Day in September for the sake of having a "start" to each year.) Given that, I thought I'd do some curriculum reviews...tell you what we've used this year and what's worked and what hasn't...because, hey, I love reading stuff like that, myself, and am hoping I might possibly help some of you out there in the process. So, stay tuned...
Reader Comments (1)
I love your homeschooling insights--very helpful. I have 3 kids also (15, 13 & 9) and all have gone to traditional school. Even so, I do a lot of extra learning/activities at home with them to supplement/add to/deepen their knowledge of certain subjects at home--both during the school year and summer. I am still considering whether to home school my upcoming 4th & 8th graders this year due to so many school cuts and some learning issues that have come up, so I am soaking up all the real-mom knowledge I can get. Thanks for sharing, it is really appreciated.