Creating Keepsakes and a GIVEAWAY.

So. I've kind of fallen off the scrapbooking bandwagon for a bit. :( I'll not apologize because I feel in my gut that my rearranged priorities of late (that have me spending more time on homeschooling and trying to lead a healthy lifestyle) are spot on for me and my family right now.
And, don't despair. I've not stopped altogether. I continue to gather stories and photos and ideas (and, ahem, supplies). One day soon, I really am going to scrapbook some more. Honest. ;)
In the meantime, I received this little gem in the mail recently:
It's a special issue that Creating Keepsakes has just come out with...featuring the scrappy spaces of scads of designers (including me!). You can find it here. (It officially goes on sale today!) I don't know about you, but I love looking at other people's rooms. Not only do they inspire for scrap-specific solutions, but I've also found ideas that I want to incorporate in other rooms in my home and ideas that will some day end up having inspired specific layouts!
If you'd like a sneak peek of the issue, click here.
If you'd like the opportunity to WIN A FREE COPY of the issue, post a comment here by this Thursday. Tell me your favorite thing about your own scrap space and I'll select a winner on Friday the 13th (May 13, 2011). (This is open even to international scrappers!)
If you're anxious to get your hands on a copy and love a deal, use coupon code SPACESBB for free shipping in the US. It expires May 27, 2011.

Reader Comments (21)
I can't wait to peek inside this Creating Keepsakes scrapbooking Special Issue! Thanks for the "heads up" goes to my neice Amanda Probst. I will order this today....
My favorite thing about my scrap place is the large window looking out on the farm. So peaceful...I love being surrounded by my colorful supplies, papers and photos. I drift into a different world, where I can dream and create to my minds content!
I saw this at B&N the other day and almost picked it up! My favorite thing about my scrap space is the furniture. It was my MIL's and I got it when she passed away 3 years ago. I have her antique dining table (I had a glass top added so I don't ruin it), which is dark brown. I also got her off white hutch and buffet-type cabinets. It love having a place to store everything, and I also like remembering her when I sit down to create.
This looks like it would be perfectly inspiring for the work I need to do on my studio this season!
My favorite thing about my scrapspace is my furniture from IKEA --- square cubby like shelves (a 4x4 and a 4x2) and my large worktable.
I have a small scrap area, but I use a chest of drawers for storage and it works for me! Thanks for the chance to win this mag! :)
My favorite thing about my scrap space is my hutch with glass doors, with all my pretty supplies stored in glass jars and my favorite punches lined up. Thanks for the opportunity to win!
My favorite thing about my scrap space is that it is BIG! :)
I love my scrapspace because I have one! : ) It's not fancy - just a corner of our homeschool room, but it's my little area to create and works for me.
My favorite thing about my scrap room is its potential. We moved into our first home less than a year ago and I have a whole room to call my own. In fact, it is next on the list to get some TLC so I'm currently gathering ideas and plotting all of my glorious storage solutions. This magazine would provide some amazing inspiration.
The best thing about my scrap space is that it is on the main level, so I can squeeze in a couple minutes here and there while making meals or doing laundry. Thanks so much for the chance to win!
My favorite thing about my scrap space is the window I can look out of and see my kiddo playing outside. Actually the fact that my scrap space is a *room* of it's own makes everything about it my favorite.
Thanks for the chance to win this great looking magazine! My favorite thing about my scrap room is that it is my area to make a mess in and my husband can't complain- we just shut the door!
I love reading about and seing photos of work spaces -- this magazine is perfect for me! My favorite thing in my craft room is the big window where I've placed my desk (like a T) so I can look out the window as I work. Behind me is a tall two-piece unit that holds tons of things I use often . . . all in easy reach!
my favourite thing about my scrapping space is that it is right next to where my husband is on the computer and my kids are playing, so i am in the thick of things, so to say.
My favourite thing is that i am surrounded by my children's beautiful inspiring artwork!
Love my scrapspace because it's where I can lose myself, relax and be creative - even though that room needs a major over-hauling!
Wow, this is absolutly amazing. I am looking forward to seeing more.
I can't wait to get my hands on this book! ... my favorite part of my space is my big ol' table because it can fit me and my littles so we can create together :)
My favorite thing about my space is that it's all mine and I don't have to share my space with my kids anymore.