
Well, no one got it completely right. :) Many who emailed me thought I was pulling a fast one and that all of them were true. Even my husband thought I was cheating. :) Here, so you know, are the answers...
1. I purchased songs from iTunes for the first time ever earlier this week. TRUE. Amazingly, yes, I'd never done that before. I finally broke down and nabbed some tunes for my new morning running dealio since my iPhone isn't as cool as newer iPhones that can run Pandora at the same time as doing other things. ;)
2. Yesterday, I overheard these words, "You really need to work on your Chewbacca sound."Really. TRUE. Yup, Noah said this to Micah. You'd think they'd have the sounds down, but you'd be wrong apparently. Light sabers and other sound effects, though, are totally nailed.
3. I went running this morning. TRUE! Yippee for me! I'm using the Couch to 5K plan right now to help my completely-not-used-to-running self ease into the process. So far, I really like the program and found an app for my iphone that tracks all that and tells me when to run and walk. Excellent.
4. Micah asked me to email Lego to find out if you need to go to college in order to be a Lego designer. TRUE. Cute little boy that he is, Micah really did ask me this. I searched around online and discovered a number of examples of people employed by Lego as designers that did not go to college. Micah is stoked.
5. The boys were using their Nerf guns to shoot their Lego minifigures much of yesterday afternoon. TRUE. Enough said.
6. I strongly dislike getting massages. TRUE. I know this makes me weird but I honestly just don't like massages. I'm way, way ticklish. Ask my husband, I don't even like for him to give me a massage. :)
7. I already have a number of things for the boys' Easter baskets but nothing to send with them for lunch on Monday (to Options). TRUE. Guess I'll be heading to the grocery store soon...
8. I actually managed to scrapbook a few layouts last month but haven't gotten around to photographing them to share. FALSE. Ah. This is the one that sounds like it might be true but sadly just isn't. I haven't scrapbooked in ages. Sorry.
9. Micah's kindergarten alphabet words of late were Xavier (his middle name...handy like that, eh?) and Yoda. He made a finger puppet Yoda to take with him to Options that day. (We'd finished reading "The Strange Case of Origami Yoda" just before.) TRUE. ;)
10. I get cold often and the point that I sit on a heating pad when at my computer and have an electric blanket on my bed still. TRUE. Don't laugh at me.
11. I'm sadly addicted to Angry Birds on my iPhone. FALSE. I *did* recently download the game on my phone but have yet to actually play it. The boys, on the other hand, are a different story. I think Micah was telling me that he's already made it to the final level.
12. Last night, I finished printing off all of the invites and such for my baby brother's wedding this summer. FALSE. Sorry, Joe. This one's not true. But I really *am* going to print them today (or tomorrow)! Honest! :)
The end.
Oh. And I actually did manage to at least *attempt* an April Fools prank yesterday. Nathan decided to work from home, which really meant from another location but at least still in Fort Collins. The boys and I went to Party City and bought a dozen helium filled balloons, a bag of normal balloons and a balloon pump. We sat in the parking lot and blew up as many as we could. (Noah and I used our lungs, Micah used the pump, and Asher supervised.) Then we stealthily drove to where Nathan was. Because his car was parked right near the window, I snuck into it and moved it to a spot further back in the parking lot, right next to our van. The boys and I proceeded to transfer all the balloons and were just getting ready to blow up a few more to finish filling the car.
But. Then Nathan walked up. Turns out that he was ready for a break and had decided to relocate. Talk about bad timing! Poo. Here's what we'd managed:
On the plus side, we'd managed to completely freak him out by moving the car in the first place. And, did I mention that we filled some of the balloons with confetti? Hee hee. ;)

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