Quote #7.

(I'll apologize to those who might expect a quote today related to Valentine's Day or love. I've had this one on my mind all week, so figured I should go with it. ;) Besides, we're not really big on Valentine's Day around here...a little too much pink and hearts for us, lol.)
Be careful to leave your sons well instructed rather than rich, for the hopes of the instructed are better than the wealth of the ignorant. –Epictetus
I love this one. It could be the motto for our homeschool. While, obviously, I’d be happy if my boys all grow up and are financially well off, I find it vastly more important that they grow up with an education that prepares them to live well in the world…to ask questions…to seek solutions…to be concerned about the world and the people around them...to contribute. A lesson well learned is worth a fortune.
Speaking of homeschool mottos, though...do any of you homeschoolers have a name for your school? I read this post not long ago and it has me thinking...

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