Random thoughts...

...just crowding my head...
- Please, folks, you live in Colorado...learn how to drive in the snow. Primarily, if there's snow (not ice) on the road, sure, slow down a little...but not all the way to 5 mph in a 30 mph zone. And, if the 45 mph zone has been completely plowed and is totally fine (no ice or snow), there's absolutely no excuse for driving less than 30 mph. Really.
- Also, turn lanes. They're for turning. If you're going to turn, use them. If you're not turning, don't. Simple.
- I have no idea why, but the boys are watching a show that was just talking about frying up and eating turkey testicles. Yes, they checked with me to make sure the show was talking about what they thought it was talking about. Lovely.
- I've thankfully never been to a grocery store before that had lines like Whole Foods did today. The lines were all the way down the aisles to the back of the store! Whole Foods, fortunately, had planned ahead and staffed for it...with staff at every aisle directing people and even offering free cookies. We very much appreciated the smoothness of the visit (but were still amazed at the
- We miss the "Christmas house" in our neighborhood. There's a house in our neighborhood that used to go all out with the outdoor lighting displays. We looked forward to it every year and even took the people cookies a couple years in appreciation, though we didn't know them at all. But. They moved last summer. Apparently the new people don't know that they're supposed to be the Christmas house, lol.
- Thinking about it now...why are the boys watching shows about turkey testicles when we should be watching "The Polar Express" or something? Excuse me a moment... ;)
- Got all our holiday baking done yesterday (15 loaves of dark chocolate zucchini bread (for neighbors and swim team coaches and archery instructors), three dozen gingerbread ninjas (for karate instructors) and numerous chocolate karate suckers (again, for the karate instructors)) and delivered yesterday and today. Whew. ;) So thankful for all the people who touch our lives...
Okay, told you it was random. Hope you're all enjoying this Christmas Eve eve... ;)

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