
Did you read that?! Eleven! My Noah is eleven today. Sigh. He's growing up:
(No, we haven't taken our Halloween cobwebs down yet. ;) Yes, they got covered in snow last night and this morning as we got our latest installment of snow.)
As many of you know, Noah's a bit fond of technology (to put it mildly, lol). He's particularly a huge Apple fan right now. He actually was trying to find a shirt like this to buy himself (but couldn't find any kid sizes) because he likes the tribute logo so much. (I custom ordered one on a kid sized shirt for him.) For his birthday today, after archery in the morning and then lunch at Three Margaritas (so he could have a huge burrito), he wanted to go to the Apple store in Boulder. He's been saving up and finally had enough to buy himself an iPod Touch:
The salesperson was so impressed by his Apple loyalty (he was wearing his new shirt of course) and the fact that he'd saved up on his own to buy this and the fact that it was his birthday...that she actually gave him a discount (the "cool kid" discount, she called it). Yup, she obviously knows a lifelong customer when she sees one, lol.
And now he's sitting in the family room playing with his new toy while his brothers watch over his shoulder jealously and anxiously await his decision to go put together the new lego set they got him. :) Good day.
Now, in keeping with a tradition I sometimes remember, lol...here are eleven things about my Noah:
- He takes great care with his appearance and was recently overheard giving his brothers a hard time about the fact that they didn't "match."
- He is, in many ways, the most like both Nathan and me.
- For instance, he eats all his burgers and sandwiches in a circle like I do. :)
- He's also geekly taken with science and technology like his father. (I have no idea if geekly is a word but you know what I mean, lol.)
- He is the most level headed of the three boys, most of the time. He's also often the most reserved/shy of the three.
- He's incredibly patriotic and brand-loyal.
- He loves beef. A lot.
- He prefers to read non-fiction but has recently begun reading a Star Wars book since his brothers seem to be enjoying them so much. He also truly gets a kick out of history.
- He loves swim team and archery...and PE and playing tag.
- He also enjoys playing the piano and recorder, especially Christmas or Star Wars music. ;)
- He is incredibly responsible and attentive to detail. I honestly can't recall a time that he's lost or damaged even a piece of a toy or game.
I could go on, but that's eleven. :) Happy birthday, my Noah!
Reader Comments (1)
How can you not love a company that has an impromptu cool kid discount! Thanks for sharing good customer service. Happy Birthday, Noah!