Ten on Tuesday.

Random edition. ;)
1. I hate the wind. So there. (It's seriously my least favorite variety of weather. Managed to still run this morning but wasn't happy about it, lol.)
2. All the piles of branches still sitting around our neighborhood make me sad. (For those not local, the snow storm a couple weeks ago brought down so many branches and trees all around town that the city is doing free pick ups and has asked everyone to make a pile by the curb. It feels like our entire neighborhood is lined with piles. We could have an awesome bonfire but, sigh, that wouldn't be safe. ;) Oh, and the high winds over the weekend aren't helping.)
3. I'm a sucker for people selling me things. Really. This is why I generally don't do the grocery shopping or answer the door at home...I'm considerably more likely than Nathan to buy the cookies or knives or magazines if someone's selling them. ;) (Yes, within the past six months I actually have purchased two different knife sets that were being demonstrated at grocery stores. Nathan made me take the first set back, lol. I just feel bad for the demonstrators when no one else sticks around for their schpiel, kwim?)
4. I wish I had a slide in my home. I've wished this for years now.
5. Check out the new goodies in the Ormolu shop! I've got some sitting on my desk right now, just waiting patiently for me to find more time. ;)
6. I know this could apply to many situations, but can someone tell me what the difference is between the $16 eyelash curler at places like Sephora and the $2 one that I can buy at Target? Seriously. They look identical to me.
7. Is it bad that part of me really wants these boots? I found some on a great sale locally over the weekend. But, alas, they didn't have my size. Poo.
8. I'm really not ready for the fact that Thanksgiving is NEXT week. Did you know that?! NEXT week. Oy. Not that we have any huge plans or anything...I just feel like I've lost November somewhere. Wasn't it just Halloween?
9. I really should do Five on Fridays instead. It's hard to think of ten sometimes, lol.
10. Well, I guess that's it. I feel like I had more to say but I know that at least some of it is hush-hush, as it involves awesome holiday gifts that I've either purchased recently or am in the process of making. :)
Okay, off to take boys to karate now... :)

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