Just for kicks.

So. Sunday we randomly decided to take advantage of one of our local free offerings. We went on a tour of the Anheuser-Busch (Budweiser) plant here in Fort Collins...the one we've driven past numerous times but never stopped at. Honestly, it was something to do. :) Actually, though, the tour turned out to be pretty cool. The boys enjoyed seeing the steps in the beer making process (they love factories and machinery), thought it was cool anyhow since they'd learned that parts of "Star Trek" (the 2009 version) had been filmed in an Anheuser-Busch plant, and liked seeing the Clydesdales (which are huge). Here are some pics of the "process"...
The scale of these tanks and such was amazing. Plus, our tour guide was pretty entertaining...with an impressive memory for all the numbers involved. The tour ended with some decent free samples in the hospitality room (though none for the boys, obviously, lol). And here are the boys after all that:
See? They were smiling and happy, honest. ;) And, in trying to keep with my resolution to take at least 15 pictures of Nathan and me together this year, here's one Noah snapped in the Clydesdale "hamlet":
(While most of our fellow tour-goers were still sampling beers, we took the boys back over to see the horses again. It was pretty quiet in there.)
So. Unexpectedly nice time. ;) Anyone know of some other fun, and preferably inexpensive, outings locally that we should explore? When was the last time you did something touristy in your own hometown? :)

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