Home again.

Whew. You may not have known it, but we're home again. We were on the road since July 9...attended a baptism, watched the World Cup with friends, helped finish wedding prep for my baby sister's wedding, went camping at Mt. Rainier, saw friends in Seattle, did the whole rehearsal and wedding and reception thing, went to a family reunion, spent a day in Yellowstone, and drove about 4000 miles altogether. Pulled in to our driveway about 3 am early Wednesday morning (and thankfully had the presence of mind ahead of time to move the garage door opener so we wouldn't accidentally try to pull into the garage with the cartop carrier attached, LOL).
Just finished downloading (or is it uploading?) 2045 photos (not counting the ones Nathan took which are still on his iPhone). Spent all day yesterday just doing laundry. Finally tackling mail and such today. Will take me a bit to catch up...hang in there... ;)

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