Winner, white belts & golf...

Three quick notes...
1. Congrats to Kirsten!! Her guess of 6,080 was closest to the actual number of 6,171! Woohoo! I'll email you that giftcard soon. :)
And, yes, if you remember that we added more than 3,000 pieces back at Christmas and if you recognize that that Christmas load and the Legoland loot comprises only a portion of our total collection, you'll start being staggered at the number of pieces we must have. I know I am. ;)
2. Micah and Asher earned their first official karate belts yesterday...
Aren't they adorable? ;) They were so excited! Though it's still early, they're loving the classes and looking forward to plenty more. Asher's really got the knack for this and can't wait until we start letting him go more than once a week. Micah just thinks it's fun and doesn't quite have the coordination that Asher does, but smiles all the same. :)
3. I neglected to post anything about Father's Day. Hope you all had a great one! We enjoyed a lovely weekend here...which included World Cup Soccer watching and our traditional miniature golf trip:
(If you click on the layout, you can see a larger view and the progression of the boys from 2004 to today, lol.)
You can see my thoughts on the past two Father's Days over on the Good Grief Blog, too. I'm feeling a bit guilty but couldn't really get into the spirit of Father's Day this year. Missing my dad but at a loss for how to express it this year so seemingly just opted to not think about it. :)
That's it for now. Will be back with more (home)school stuff soon... ;)

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