Still here...

Oy. May just doesn't seem to be a good month for blogging for me. ;) I'm here now, though. Since my last post, here's what's been going on:
We went to the local CSU Water Festival. This is an annual event and our homeschool group attends most years. We hadn't been in a couple years to went this year. In our first "class" we all got to sit inside this cool giant globe and talk about the earth (from the inside):
The boys weren't overly thrilled with all the classes we were assigned (we don't get to pick), but did enjoy the giant globe, learning about the Poudre watershed and doing the journey of a water droplet activity. Cool.
Micah and Asher finished up their soccer season, complete with green frosted cupcakes galore (the green is the "grass" and appeared to be popular with the bakeries around town...and the boys. :) Did require some washing to get clean. ;) Here's Micah with his trophy:
We were on the ball enough to hand out trophies *before* cupcakes for Micah's party...not so much for Asher's. ;) And I didn't manage to get a good picture of Asher anyhow. Oh well.
Noah's regular season is finished, too. But his team will play in the spring tournament next weekend (June 4-6) so they're still going. :)
Other than that, just continuing
- ...with reorganizing house stuff (after we cleared the front room for the yard sale, we bought some bookcases for that room and are now filling them...unfortunately, we didn't think of that till after the yard sale and now have a number of miscellaneous little bookcases that could have gone in the sale, lol)
- ...with homeschooling (though Options is over for the year, we'll continue through the summer with a 3 weeks on, 1 week off sort of schedule...finding that works better for us)
- ...and with Good Grief blog stuff (my layouts were up earlier this week and also please check out this cool interview/article)
Oh, and we registered Asher and Micah for local martial arts classes! They'll start next week and you can be sure I'll take some pictures. :)
That's pretty much it. See? Nothing too exciting that you're missing. :)

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