Happy Read Across America Day!

March 2 is Dr. Seuss's birthday and Read Across America Day.
(In May 1997, a small reading task force at NEA came up with a big idea. "Let's create a day to celebrate reading," the group decided. "We hold pep rallies to get kids excited about football. We assemble to remember that Character Counts. Why don't we do something to get kids excited about reading? We'll call it 'NEA's Read Across America' and we'll celebrate it on Dr. Seuss's birthday." And so was born on March 2, 1998, the largest celebration of reading this country has ever seen.)
Two things. First, I find this "holiday" to be a fabulous idea and a good reminder to use books as inspiration for our scrapbooking. Here, for example, are two layouts that I made that were inspired by book covers (both appeared in Creating Keepsakes' Sept 2009 issue):
...inspired by this book:
And then this layout:
Give it a try sometime! Like a sketch, book covers can be a fabulous starting point!
Second, given that I'll be spending at least some of today reading to my boys and need to head to the library again soon, I'd love to hear your favorite children's books. Really. Please share! :) In return, I promise to start posting my belated Lists of Me album layouts later today. Honest. I might even have to make another list of favorite children's books...here's the one I made last spring for my Lists of Me album:
Some of these are still favorites. Others have fallen by the wayside. So. What are your favorites?

Reader Comments (4)
My 6 1/2 yr old and I just finished a great kids book called My Father's Dragon. I bet your boys would eat it up. (I blogged it here: http://herdofsteph.blogspot.com/2010/03/i-read-it-my-fathers-dragon.html). We also have recently read some Beezus and Ramona and are reading lots and lots of garden and spring books now - hoping to give our weather a hint. That's one thing I love about homeschooling ... all the reading you can do!
I love the books with a sense of humor. My two favorites are "The True Story of the Three Little Pigs" and "Today I feel silly". They always made my boys laugh when I read them.
I loved books growing up. When I was little I adored "Professor Warmbog in Search for the Zipperump-a-Zoo". My brother and I zoned into that book the moment we walked into Grandma's house. I also "Amelia Bedilia" because I could relate to her escapades. As I grew older, I enjoyed the "Little House" series. I re-read them every year for many years. Books are so fantastic. Thank you for reminding us of that fact!
Can't wait to see your "all about me" pages. I've been waiting for inspiration!