Olympic thoughts...

1. I'd like to donate all my snow to Canada. Can I do that? Who's with me? ;)
2. I think they should have a massive party for all fourth place finishers and that those athletes should each get a giant trophy.
3. I love our new couch. (Yes, this is Olympics related as it's where I've been sitting/laying as I watch, lol.)
4. I think I could do a good job with the whole "standing at the starting line and yelling encouragement as the athletes start" thing. Do you suppose they'd let me do that?
5. Who gets to name the various turns and such on the tracks and courses? I'd like that job, too.
6. Who's responsible for the wardrobe of the NBC announcers? Is it just me or does it seem, um, not the best? ;) Nathan wondered whether possibly NBC's going so low-budget that the announcers are responsible for their own wardrobes, lol!
7. Yes, I've been watching too much Olympics again today. ;) On the plus side, I didn't watch any yesterday and have made a start on the front room. Even managed to clean the bathrooms and clear some more pathways through the house this morning before getting hypnotized by the tv and the couch.

Reader Comments (5)
Just like to say I'm with ya on this whole Olympic thing. I'm an Olympic junkie!!! Can't get enough of it. Been spending way too much time on my couch lately and I love to watch every single event. I'm not athletic at all, but darn it, I'm the best superfan they'll ever have! Go world!!!!!!
I will match your donation and send all my snow along with yours ;)
Amanda! We must have been sisters in a former life! I swear everything you mentioned in today's post were my thoughts exactly! We still have so much snow! And what's not getting done in my house? I'm not unpacking the basement (we moved in late November). Instead I'm watching the Olympics! And as for the party for all the 4th place finishers? I'll offer my house! Send them over! (Just as soon as I finish unpacking the basement). LOL!
Amanda, I'm so with you on donating the snow to Canada. We have13-1/2 inches on the ground! Can I donalte all of it? So ready for summer it's crazy. I have been watching some of the olympic events...love the snowboarding and downhill and even a little figure skating.
As a Canadian, that's plain, mean! You can keep your snow and I'll be happy with mine! LOL :)