"The boys with all the little snow hills"

1. Sorry I've been MIA. Boys gave me their cold last weekend. Good news is that they all recovered quickly and that it's no biggie...just congestion and cough enough to keep me at less than 100% all week. All better now. ;)
2. Happy day after Valentine's Day! We didn't do anything in particular, as I find the holiday rather pointless and commercial (and hearts and pink just aren't really my style, lol). Not all too heartbroken that our homeschool group opted not to do a Valentine's party this year. ;) Gave the boys some miscellaneous Lego pieces (mostly for their mini-figures) and fully plan to stock up on the after-Valentine's-Day candy sales, LOL!
3. New challenge up over on the Good Grief Blog! Check it out!
4. The Olympics are going to seriously impede my getting things done for the next two weeks! Our weekend was fairly full of Olympics watching and I love seeing how enthusiastic the boys get. In particular (this weekend), they liked the moguls...or, as Micah said "the boys with all the little snow hills"...to which Noah corrected, "no, you mean the men's monguls." Yeah, need to work on the lingo, but the cheering is good all the same. ;)

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