Gift ideas: Random.

Okay. Last one (probably). Here are a few more random gift ideas. This time, the theme is pesky relatives and know...the ones you love but have a hard time shopping for:
Dylan Christmas CD. Okay, this would be an acquired taste sort of thing. But. *If* you happen to know a Bob Dylan fan, this one's fun. ;) Click on track's hilarious. While I'm on the topic of Bob Dylan, did you know he has at least a couple children's books (where the words are his lyrics)? Look here and here. Also, he's quite the artist and you can find collections of his work in a book like this. (For those who are wondering whether I'm off my rocker dad was a huge Dylan fan. That's my explanation.) ;)
Solar lights. I just think these are cool. I'm trying to figure out where I could use these...
Aeropress. I don't generally drink coffee, but my husband swears by this contraption and uses it regularly. It makes a single cup of coffee at a time so would be great for that coffee-loving friend or sibling who's trying to break the Starbucks habit. ;)
Copic markers. If you have someone on your gift list who loves papercrafts, Copic markers would make a lovely indulgent gift. I can say from experience that these pens are beautiful and worth it. If that's too spendy for you, how about a sweet pen/pencil case like one of these?
School House Rock. If you grew up with School House Rock, you'll appreciate will friends of similar age who have young children. As a homeschooler, I'll tell you that my boys love this and I'm delighted with the topics covered.
Anything ThinkGeek. I tried to pick just one or two things but couldn't. Let's just say that if you know a geek, chances are darn good that you can find something for him/her at ThinkGeek. (I know I do, lol!)
The Pioneer Woman cookbook. Having recently had such success with her recipes, I'm thinking this might be just the thing for someone on your list. I don't generally use cookbooks much but have been very impressed by the ease of The Pioneer Woman's recipes online. ;) (I'm assuming they're similar in the cookbook.)
Wonder Woman tin. For that mom friend who definitely qualifies... ;)
Okay. I could go on and on. It's really rather fun to just look for cool stuff. ;) Hope your shopping is shaping up! Let me know if you find anything fantastic, okay?
And yes, again, I am not affiliated with any of the companies mentioned or linked here...just sharing ideas for the sake of sharing. ;)

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