Double digits.

Heavy sigh. My firstborn...turned TEN today. TEN. How the heck did that happen? It seems like just yesterday he was a whopping 9 lb 4 oz newborn whose head was so big they couldn't find a hat big enough at the hospital. ;)
Because he's so old...old enough that we didn't have a digital camera back when he was born,'s the oldest picture I could find of him that was already scanned on my computer. It was taken in June 2002. He was about 19 months old and was living in bliss, not realizing that in a month he'd have a baby brother and his world would turn upside down, lol.
And, today, here's what he looks like:
Still handsome as ever and much better experienced with putting up with my photo shoots. ;)
Over the years, we've learned aplenty alongside each other. He's been, in many ways, my easiest child (fortunate, then, that he was the first, LOL). He's loved ice, car keys, meat, trains, rockets, soccer, legos, science, money and Star name a few obsessions. He's disliked sand, getting dirty, having strangers talk to him and heights. He values comfort and details and is my most serious son. And, he's really growing into his role as big brother and eldest son. Man, I can't wait to see what the next ten years bring!
Happy birthday, my Noah!
Reader Comments (1)
Happy Birthday Noah! You get handsomer as time goes on :) Here's to the future!