11 random Friday thoughts...

1. Prayers and hugs to all those affected by 9/11 both eight years ago and still.
2. Happy birthday to my baby sister, Cassy! She's getting so old, LOL! (said as I roll my eyes considering that I'm 9 years older) There's a package in the mail, dude. :)
3. Asher asked me yesterday, "what comes after the future?" How does one answer that?!
4. We started back to a more "normal" homeschool routine this week (which explains my absence online as much). So far, things are going well. I'll post more specifics next week...pretty happy with how things are going.
5. What were you doing at 9:09 on 09-09-09 earlier this week? The boys were all reading and it was beautiful. ;) (Yes, that was pm for us.)
6. If you happen to live around Fort Collins and haven't already signed up for the class I'll be teaching at The Treasure Box on the 20th...do that, okay? ;)
7. The winner of the second challenge random drawing was announced today over on the Good Grief Blog. Check it out!
8. My project went up on the Prism Papers blog today. Here's a sneak:
9. Yesterday, for reasons unknown, Micah was singing about people dying (not because he's morbid or anything...he's just weird like that, lol). As the singing loudly portion of that had been going on for a bit, we were asking him to stop. Asher, in particular, instructed him to "stop singing" and "stop talking about dying." In response, Micah promptly launched into a new song..."Nobody lives forever." Man that kid is going to take some watching. ;)
10. Yup, still busy with soccer. Practice number 6 for the week will be later today. Tomorrow we have four games...the first two overlap. (Noah has two games this week and a bye later in the season.)
11. Okay, I can't think of an eleventh thing right now. I just love the number 11, though. It's my favorite number. Really. :)
Reader Comments (1)
There's a great line about "11" in the movie "This is Spinal Tap"! :-)