
Just a couple quick thoughts to share...
First, came across this blog post/article recently and thought it offered some good insights for homeschool families. Mine aren't quite old enough yet for this to be a concern, but it's definitely something to keep in mind for the coming years (the testing more than the I'm pretty sure we'll have that covered since that's where the boys' main interests are, lol).
Second, for any who love Legos or know people who do, have you tried out the Lego Digital Designer program? It's free and really pretty dang cool. With it, you can build and create your own Lego inventions using the pieces on their list (pretty extensive, though not complete). Noah's done this twice now...he's built a fighter jet (because, he says, not enough of the existing kits come with good fighter jets) then ordered it from Lego (prices were actually fairly reasonable considering what you get and that it's custom).
All the pieces then come in a nice box and you follow the instructions you used to create it in the first place to put it together. The software saves all this information for you...and you can totally just build for the sake of building without having to buy the item. (Asher's been having fun with that but is still reluctant to buy any of his creations since he's saving for other things.) Anyhow, thought I'd share because the boys have really enjoyed this, and I think the spacial awareness practice on the computer in addition to building things with actual Legos is good. And, I find it pretty cool that I can mess around and build things without having to hunt down all the little pieces in the boys' "Lego" room upstairs, LOL!
Okay, come back tomorrow for loads of pictures from the entire month...the rest of that vacation in Steamboat all the way up to the boys' first soccer games yesterday!

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