
I'm a couple days late with this birthday picture, but I know you don't mind, right? :) Here's my big four year old...hamming it up for the camera because that's just what he does, lol!
Sigh. Yup, my baby's four years old now and quite pleased with himself. He strives so hard to be just like his big brothers...beating them now from time to time at the Wii, starting soccer like them this fall ( a couple weeks, actually!), doing most everything on his own, and just generally growing up faster than I'd like. :) Even his birthday list was like his brothers' this he literally just told me he wanted everything on Asher's birthday list. Since we let the other two boys pick out the limited birthday gifts, he pretty much got what he wanted and was quite delighted with his birthday overall. (We only did a handful of smaller family gifts this year, as we treated both Asher and Micah to a day at Santa's Workshop as their main celebration.)
Anyhow. What else? Noah had soccer camp this past week and is now anxious for the fall season to get started. Have all three boys mostly geared up for the season...thought I'd get off easy and be able to hand down cleats and such, but Micah's got really fat feet and just couldn't fit either of his brothers' shoes, LOL! Plus, Noah needed new cleats and Asher needed a new ball (now that both he and Noah are needing size 4 balls, we needed another), and I need yet to get one more jersey...stuff like that. Wish me luck with this whole attempting to have three boys in soccer at the same time thing. I have a feeling this fall will be busy. :)
As for this blog and the "construction"...please bear with me. My inlaws are in town for the coming week so I'll probably drop off the face of the internet for that time but will then be back with plenty of pictures and tales. ;) Happy first week of August to you all!!

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