In case you were wondering...

...summer is off to a lovely start. :) Noah and Asher started swim lessons this week and are loving it (I need to do better about getting them more pool time beyond swim lessons). Here's Asher:
You can't tell from this picture, but he's the only boy in his class...three other little girls. No wonder he smiles the whole time, LOL! Noah, on the other hand, is considerably less interested in the others in his class and more interested in the new slide the gym installed:
Not the greatest picture (using my purse camera instead of my DSLR) but you get the idea. ;) Micah refused to contemplate swim lessons this summer (still working on him for next session, though) so sits with me. Yesterday, I ended up entertaining him by taking pictures of our shadows:
Yup. Lazy summer days. :)
Now I really have to go print some pictures for the crop I'm going to tomorrow! ;)

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