Free tags!

Yes, I'm still here. :) Yesterday, I took some awesome shots of the boys running through the sprinkler in the front yard for the first time this year...will work on posting some of those soon. (Yup, 178 more pics to sort through, LOL!) Between that and the bike ride we took just before that (Grandma Nancy borrowed Nathan's bike Wednesday on our ride but walked yesterday due to technical difficulties), I, by the way, got a bit more sun than I should have. ;) Not horrible, but definitely more than I'd gotten in a long time. (Gotta find some sunscreen today, LOL!) In any case, Grandma Nancy's visit is going nicely, soccer continues, Noah's first communion is this weekend and the sun continues to shine. :)
And, because I'm a sucker for journaling tags, I'll share with you some free ones that were posted today. I love the teacher appreciation book she managed to pull together in a week!
Okay, back to everything here...happy Friday to all!

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