
Busy, busy. :) So, yesterday Asher had to have two more teeth pulled...this time to make room for the permanent teeth already coming through, so at least he won't have this gap for as long as the other two he currently has (for teeth pulled on account of decay and infection). Unfortunately, though the tooth fairy did remember to get everything ready and have cash on hand, the tooth fairy got very tired last night and forgot to make the exchange. Drat. Poor Asher was so sad this morning, but he and Noah have decided that perhaps the tooth fairy was confused because Asher, unable to find his own little tooth box last night, borrowed Noah's. But they found Asher's box this morning and will set things straight tonight. And hopefully the tooth fairy will manage to make things right. ;)
Getting up early yesterday to go to the dentist did at least get us off to an early start to a productive day. I had this grand plan to make terrariums on Earth Day last week, but the week got too full. I don't think the Earth will mind that we celebrated a week late. :) The boys and I picked out little plants at a local greenhouse and had a blast making little terrariums...about 19 of them. Here's what we did:
After various researching online, this is the route I opted to go...
- layer of gravel/rocks for drainage,
- layer of activated charcoal to keep things smelling okay (prevent rot) (got this at a local pet store with the aquarium stuff),
- layer of sphagnum moss to prevent the soil from getting into the drainage area,
- layer of soil because plants like that, and, finally...
- little plants, preferably slow growing, moisture-loving plants (we ended up with some Baby Tears and a variety of stepables designed for walkway crevices).
I found a great deal on the glass jars online (complete with lids) since we wanted to do so many (if you're one of the boys' teachers, don't look). Here's a sample of our finished product:
Aren't they pretty? The boys and I are debating adding a few little things to them still but are pretty happy with how things turned out. Oh, and while we were doing all this, we also picked up a couple of "sensitive plants" that the boys fell in love with at the greenhouse...just for fun. It's been years since we've had live plants in the house...looking forward to it! (Once upon a time, I had many plants. Then I had children who liked to put things in their mouths and a shortage of shelf space. Now they finally know not to put things in their mouths. Course, I'm still wary since they've not quite learned the "don't throw balls or other things in the house" rule, LOL!)
Btw, that lovely burned edge action is FREE from the Pioneer Woman. I think hers might be my new favorite blog to read. She's awesome!
After all of that, the boys had music class as usual, where Micah's starting to learn pre-piano stuff and was so proud of himself and the music alphabet worksheet he filled out during class (writing the letters A-G a few times and coloring them). It's amazing to me how easily young kids grasp this stuff!
And speaking of Micah, my little sweetie has said some very quotable stuff lately. My two favorites were when, for reasons unknown, his big brothers were talking about who each of them was going to marry...Micah rejected their recommendations for him and declared "Mommy, you're my favorite girl!" and then was devastated to learn that I was already married. What a kid. :)
The other heart-wrenching line came yesterday at Arby's. Totally out of the blue Micah got all sad and looked at me in the middle of drinking his Jamocha shake. "(sniff) I don't want you to get old!" he said. "Because then you'll die." Obviously, I assured him that he was still stuck with me for a good while...but, man, this kid is growing up too fast for me. Sigh.
Okay, this has gotten long enough for's your week going?

Reader Comments (2)
Ahhh, it must have been the International Fairy Day Celebration at Disneyworld...we hear Tink occasionally messes up the tooth fairies biz with the event...hopefully she will be back from the important event tonight! :)
Mary Anne
Our tooth fairy always brings the gold dollar coins- and one night the tooth fairy totally was not prepared...and had to stop by the car wash really late to change in her dollar bills for gold coins ;)
The terrariums look great- ours totally did not work out...I think we will do a larger more planned one this summer.
PW's website rocks! I love all her actions too!