Shadow walls, mirrors, music trucks & names...

So, yesterday the boys and I headed to our local Discover Science Center for some spring break celebrations and just because the boys like to go there. The boys got to make ice cream (and eat some of it...Noah declared it wasn't very good because they hadn't added any flavoring, but Micah didn't mind, lol), see a couple Diet Coke and Mentos fountains, play in the light room, see pictures of grasshopper and locust swarms of years ago, draw on the Kaliedodraw program that they love there, eat some cake (the Center was celebrating their birthday this week), check out dinosaur facts and sooooo much more. We wandered around there for a couple hours. A few quick pics:
(Micah with his ice cream that I had to shake for him, Noah in front of the giant light room screen and Asher posing against the shadow that shadow wall is fun!)
And, personally, I think everyone should have a mirror like this in their home:
So. After leaving the Discovery Science Center, we ran a couple errands and finally made it home with an exhausted Micah. While he was napping, the other two were playing in the front yard for a bit when an unexpected sound came down our quiet little was the music truck! Okay, so when they were younger I had them utterly convinced that ice cream trucks were really just music trucks...driving around sharing music with people. Until they could read, this worked great. :) Regardless, they really haven't come around much here at our house so we've never had the ice cream truck experience. Growing up in the country, I'd never even heard of ice cream trucks until college. So. Feeling generous, I bought Noah, Asher and myself a treat yesterday...our very first ever treats from an ice cream truck! Simple pleasures. :) Let's hope it doesn't come back to bite me in the butt, eh? LOL!
Finally, just because I want to make sure to record it somewhere, the boys in the past month or so have decided upon how many kids they think they want and what they'll name them. In case you're curious...
Noah: wants a boy and a girl and that's it...likes the name Jacob for a boy and Ashley (after Asher) for a girl (not sure where Jacob came from?)
Asher: wants two boys and no girls because girls are icky...wants to name the boys Ash and Mike (so original, right?)
Micah: wants five kids...and wants to name them Tyrone, Uniqua, Pablo, Austin and Tasha...yes, really, LOL! (for those not "in the know" about kids' shows...these are the names of the characters on The Backyardigans...I actually like the show but not sure about having grandkids named that...)
ETA: Note, I have nothing against the Backyardigans' names actually...on their own, they're rather nice. But. I would never be able to look at them without thinking of the Backyardigans, LOL!
Off now to see how my Friday is going to shape's yours going?

Reader Comments (3)
I love Micah's names - my 3 year old would probably say the same thing. :) Actually a friend of ours just named their little boy Austin and she was THRILLED that they named their baby after one of her "friends." :)
When we were little my mom used to say the ice cream man was the music man too. She'd tell us that he came to play the nice music for all the kids in the neighborhood.
Love the Backyardigans!
I'm partial to the name Tasha myself (wink wink)