Planning ahead...

So. I've done what spring cleaning I'm probably going to tackle for the moment...have gone through most all of the toys and weeded out a couple huge tubs full. Out of sheer curiosity, I had the boys help me gather all of the Hot Wheels cars in the house (though I'd guess we missed a few). This is what we ended up with:
Yup, 259 Hot Wheels. Yikes. I'm taking solace in the fact that at least we're talking about three boys here, folks. And I did manage to weed out a few dozen after this. I just won't think about those three 16"(w) x 20"(h) x 12"(d) tubs FULL of the Duplo sized legos (and there were actually more that didn't fit)...or the fact that we likely have at least that many "normal" sized legos also (which I refuse to count). Oy. (And, yes, I've considered doing away with the Duplo size, but strangely all three still really play with them a lot.) It's continually amazing to me how much of a mess the boys' toys can make considering that 90% of it is just cars and legos. Seriously, if you don't count books and games, at least 90% of the toys here are cars and legos. Wow.
In any case, though, feeling pretty good about having gone through everything and put it all in its place for now, though I know I could still do a more thorough job. Thinking I may tackle my scrapbook supplies next. :)
So. In light of the crazy amount of toys we still have and since I just realized that Easter is only a bit more than three weeks away, does anyone have any good ideas for Easter basket contents that don't involve adding more toys to our home? :) I like to have a theme. Past themes have been sand toys, sidewalk chalk goodies, pirate stuff, bath toys...I don't want to go with just candy, though at least that disappears after a bit and doesn't add clutter, LOL. What do you do? Ideas? Please?

Reader Comments (4)
zoo theme: tickets to the zoo, t-shirts w/ zoo animals prints, pjs w/ zoo prints, luggage tags w/ zoo stickers or mini clip boards decorated w/ zoo theme, zoo stickers, etc...
I did a swim theme with a new suit, towel & flip flops.
I've done swim stuff also, new suits, floaties. I also like to do gardening tools and stuff. Target always has really cute stuff. My kids love it! I think our boys sound the same, legos and cars. I'm curious how many Hot Wheels we have now too.
i saw a really cute "gardening" basket in a magazine recently.
other ideas i can think of are: bugs/bug catching, outerspace/stars, and books.