Don't touch the llama!!

I'm sure you've all played those games as a kid where you try to avoid stepping on the floor because it's hot lava, right? Well, yesterday the boys were playing something along those lines and suddenly I hear this mantra from the family room...Micah shouting, "Don't touch the llama! Don't touch the llama!!" I tell you, the other boys and I just about busted up. After I finally stopped laughing, I did try to explain to Micah what a *llama* is and how that's different from *lava* but he didn't really get it and I didn't's just too adorable. :)
As further evidence of Micah's hilarity, later that night he kept trying to get me to hold Noah's soccer ball...insisting that it was my present and I couldn't put it down. Since I didn't really want to hold the ball and was trying to do something else, I politely thanked him for the present but explained that the poor soccer ball was afraid of heights and wanted to be on the ground. (Yes, I do things like this from time to time...completely make things up like that.) Micah, latching on to this idea, allowed me finally to put the ball down but then started making the ball "talk" and ask to be in my lap again. Upon putting it in my lap, though, he lifted the ball out quickly and exclaimed, "No, no, I'm afraid of kites!" (speaking on behalf of the ball, obviously). Man, that kid cracks me up!
PS. I've now added the September Album in a Year files here on my blog. Check the link over on the left. I think the new CK website has these most recent months but the archives are still spotty over there as they transition. In the meantime, they're all here for you. :)

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