First soccer games & a PSA...

The boys had their first spring soccer games earlier today (okay, technically yesterday given the time I'm writing this). The weather was gorgeous for a change, and we took full advantage of that fact before the storm came through (yes, there's snow on the ground right now...honest). Thankfully, this season the stars aligned just right such that both boys play at the same park instead of across town from each other...can't tell you how happy this makes us. :) Noah's game was first:
(Sorry, not the greatest picture! Still messing with the best settings for these action shots...any and all suggestions are totally and utterly welcome!! (Working with a digi SLR (Canon XTi) with a 24-105 lens...I think those are the right specs...looking into a sports lens, but not sure that's in the cards right now.))
Though at this age, they technically don't keep score, Noah will proudly tell you that his team scored 3 goals today while the other team did not. :) So, he's pretty happy. His team is a bit more than half the same as last season, which is great...same coach, too, which also makes Noah happy.
Asher's game was just after lunch, and Uncle Zach, Aunt Marcy and cousin Makenna joined us to watch. Makenna and Micah had a good time playing and posing (Micah's just 5 months older):
Um, yeah, can you tell which kid is totally used to his mom snapping more than a hundred pictures in short order? ;) I actually didn't get as many pictures of the boys' games because Micah kept insisting that I take *his* picture.
In any case, Asher's team is also about half the same as last season with a coach he knows (last season's assistant coach)...good stuff. Ash had a great game and actually kicked the ball a good number of times. It's amazing to me the difference in the two boys' teams and age divisions, though. Asher's team looks so small out on the field compared with the teams in Noah's division...the division Asher will be in next fall. Oy. Here's a picture (requested by Asher) of his favorite part of the game:
Yup, treats rank up there pretty high. :)
After the games, we headed home and played in the front yard some more, along with Ali from across the street and Makenna (who came to visit a bit longer). Called it good when the clouds started rolling in and the wind picked up.
Now. The PSA (public service announcement)'s officially time to start remembering to use sunscreen when going outdoors for that long. Fortunately, the boys and I are all fine, but let's just say that Nathan will be a bit uncomfortable for the next day or two. At least he was wearing long sleeves and all, but his face, neck and the backs of his hands (strangely) are pretty red. Ouch.
Given the snow, the boys and I are planning a nice lazy day at home tomorrow. Hope spring has actually sprung wherever you are! (And don't forget to share any photo tips for sports if you have them!!)

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