The boys' Valentines...

So. With less than a week to go to Valentine's Day, the boys and I settled in to make their cards...all 150 of them. Yes. One. Hundred. Fifty.
(If you want an official breakdown, Noah's making 60, Asher's got 50 and Micah has 40 (though I think I'm going to need to make another dozen or so for him). They're for our homeschool group party, the boys' music classes, Noah's religious ed class/Asher's Sunday School class and cousins/friends.)
Asher (after the torture of having him sign his own name to store-bought ones last year) opted to direct me...he picked the stamps and colors and words and I just printed and cut and stamped stuff. Micah followed suit. Okay, I picked the words for his also but he really did pick the colors and stamp. (By the way, I couldn't bring myself to use my good Prism cardstock on these and am regretting it because Prism cardstock really does stamp better, but I was trying to use up this older cardstock I keep on hand for boys' projects and I'd bet good money that the kids receiving these won't give a hoot and will simply rip off the sucker.)
Noah, of course, was more, um, selective. He came up with the entire design (this is actually pared down from his original grand plans)...drew the robot for inside, picked the punch (seriously, after hitting four local stores looking at punches I ended up ordering this one online because it *had* to be this one...guess that's what one gets for having so many scrapbook goodies that your boys know manufacturers and styles/designs), punched all the hearts (great math lesson by the many hearts needed and how many you could punch from a sheet of paper and, thus, how many pieces of paper you'd need to punch...), folded all the printed white cards, rounded the corners of the red rectangles (only two, mind you, and they had to be lined up just so) and adhered everything together. I just scanned and printed the robot (and added the text that he had to okay...went through a number of fonts before he was happy). Now that we've gotten this far, though, he's talking about adding more since he still has a few days. Oy.
So. Here they are:
Amazingly enough, I'm actually a little ahead of the game this year and have my Valentine's mostly done as well. I'll wait to post them, though, until next week since certain people may be watching... ;) (It's killing me to wait, though! So proud of myself for doing some this year and think they're pretty original.) Also need to finish up the little mailboxes I'm making for the boys, which I'll post next week also. Did you make any Valentine's yet?

Reader Comments (2)
yes! Well, I'm still behind though. Need to help the girls make theirs - I dont; have Quite the numbers you do... but I think we're looking at about 90 between the 3! yipes.
I still need to do that calc. for you - I promise I'll get to it!
now i'm feeling quilty because we bought the $2 box of valentines at target and called it a day! lol!