
We took the boys bowling for their first time ever yesterday (and our first time in ages). Good times. A few things:
1. Why didn't they have these when I was a kid? (Or maybe they did and we just never bowled anywhere that had them?)
This handy ramp device is what made it all work for us. The boys were able to simply line it up (Noah was a bit particular about getting things just so) and push the ball down the lane. Micah, in particular, thought this was awesome (not that he bothered lining it up or even waiting for us to get the ball all the way set) and was so excited when the pins all went down (shouting "woohoo!" and raising his arms as if to indicate a touchdown).
2. Perhaps I should have used the ramp. The boys all handily beat me in both games we played. I won't go into details but let's just say that Micah had 3 strikes and 4 spares to my one. We could even say that his score in the second game was more than double mine in the first, and the other two boys were close behind Micah. In my defense, I was distracted by taking pictures and watching boys and wearing a skirt (yes, I should have changed, I know).
3. Bowling alleys are *not* easy places to get decent pictures in. Don't you just hate that when you really want good pictures and the lighting conditions are just not working for you? Yes, I could have used the flash, but I don't think the people all around us would have appreciated that. ;)
All in all, a wonderful Saturday. Hope you're all enjoying your weekend also!

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