Ornaments and snow...

So. Without further ado, here are the ornaments the boys and I made during the first three days of December. On day 1, we made the beaded candy canes and wreaths. (Micah was so proud of himself and did a really good job of placing his beads on the wire and in a pattern all by himself. The other two found themselves jealous of the simple pattern Micah chose for his wreath, lol.) On day 2, we were in a bit of a hurry and made foam star snowmen...nothing very creative there but the boys liked them. :) On day 3, the "hit" by far so far, we made sequined globes...styrofoam balls covered in sequins secured by straight pins and beads. Time intensive, but the boys are working on their third ones each because they just can't seem to get enough. (Yes, I made Micah's for him.) ;)
Here are Noah's:
Here are Asher's:
And here are Micah's:
In honor of our snowplay earlier today (Thursday...yes, I'm up really late again), day 4's ornaments were beaded snowflakes. I'll take pictures later. :) And, speaking of snowplay...
According to the weather folks, with windchill, it was about 7 degrees (and, incidentally, still snowing). The boys insist that they were more than warm enough (I, of course, was freezing). Micah, though, would seriously like to know why they can't make better little kid gloves. I've not been successful at finding actual gloves small enough that also happen to really "work" and stay on. This was the first winter that Asher's had gloves that remotely fit (they're still a bit big) and keep his hands dry...it made a HUGE difference in his attitude toward playing in the snow. My poor Micah was, um, not happy with his mittens/gloves (yes, Molly, glittens). Over the course of the time we were outside (almost an hour amazingly), I changed his gloves four times before we finally settled on some little fleece mittens. And those, really, only worked better because I simultaneously found him a sand shovel and started him using that instead of his hands for any snow moving. Oh, and apparently sand toys are awesome in the snow...
Yup, they filled dump trucks and had races and made tracks through the snow. Simple joys. :) Tomorrow, they want to tackle the back yard. We'll see.
So, what do you think of our ornaments? I'm so happy with the whole thing, as the boys are really loving the creative process! Also, does anyone know of better hand-wear for little ones? The other two boys are sporting waterproof REI gloves with multiple straps and gathers to keep snow out, but they don't make them small enough for Micah. Sigh.

Reader Comments (6)
Just a thought - my friend had difficulty finding gloves or mittens for her little one too. She finally found a pair that fit at LL Bean. And the best thing about LL Bean is that if they don't fit, they'll take them back and work with you to make sure you're happy. Even if it's a year or two later. I know as I've sent back a LL Bean all weather parka after wearing for 8 years as one of the ties inside the parka broke. They replaced it without any problem - can't beat that kind of customer service. But back to the gloves, why not give LL Bean a try? Hope you can find gloves for Micah.
Amanda, the ornaments are great! I love that you are crafting with your kids! That is so important for them! The photos are wonderful, too! We are expecting our first accumulation this weekend and I am not looking forward to it, I have to say!
Love the ornaments. The Day 3 ones are my favorite too. Maybe next year we'll have to try that.
I can hardly wait to come see their trees and ornaments in person! np
the ornaments are so adorable. i need to remember them for my kids when they get a bit older(5, 3 and 1 and they need to do everything together!).
i second the LL Bean mittens. i got a pair for my daughter when she was about 2 years old, and they were great!! they even had elastic to cinch them around the coat.
Love the ornaments. We've been making some but have not been as productive as you have.
We have always used Lands End mittens. The style we bought this year for my two year old are the squall mittens. They fit well on his hands and then have this extra piece that comes up so it overlaps the arms of his coat. Total coverage. Good luck!!