Yet more ornaments, indoor lunch, a tree story...and a giveaway!

First off, for the giveaway info, you'll have to read to the end of this post. Don't worry, I didn't forget. ;)
So, are you tired of ornaments yet? ;) Here are days 11, 12 and 13...on day 11, we made jingle bell Santa's from a little kit (okay, I did much of the making since this involved a hot glue gun, but the boys directed and loved adding these to their trees). On day 12, I let the boys do a bit of free-form ornament making...gave them a length of (coated) wire and a heap of beads. They liked making these spin so all ended up making similar ornaments. And on day 13, we brought back an ornament we made in 2003. Noah actually came up with the idea...well, he (at 3 year old, when we were doing these) saw a wooden train in a catalog and loved it so much it became the inspiration for our holiday ornaments that year. Here's the "plain" version (personally, I like the plain ones and this is what we did in 2003):
This year, though, the boys opted to paint their pieces before 'em character, don't you think? :) So, here are Asher's. He had fun mixing red and blue paint:
Here are Noah's:
And here are Micah's. I love how his train turned out (after considerable drying time...who knew paint could be lumpy? LOL):
In other news, I survived Monday's lunch hour. :) Fortunately, there were about 6 of us there to corral kids. We ended up letting them mostly do their own thing inside while monitoring for safety issues.
Also, we finally got our tree decorated! We picked it up on Sunday...well, Nathan and Asher picked it out. See, we got to the place (where we've gone every year but one since living in CO...nice local trees, freshly cut...good prices and nice service). We got out and wandered a bit and immediately decided we were not bundled up enough, despite the snow boots, double layers, winter coats, scarfs, gloves and such. It was about -2 degrees I think. Maybe a bit warmer but with the wind chill definitely colder than that. Anyhow, Noah then declared that he simply *had* to use the bathroom. That seemed like a good enough reason to get out of the cold so we trekked back to the van and over to the nearby which point, Noah, Micah and I opted to stay indoors while Nathan and Asher went back to get a tree. They picked a good one. :)
So, we got it set up and got the lights up Monday. Tonight we got the ornaments on and decorations around the rest of the house, finally. Yay!! Will try to take some pictures later.
And. (Yes, finally, this is the giveaway part of the post, lol.) Since I'm in such a Christmasy mood now...and since I finally got my copies of my book today (Tuesday)...and since I just like you all...who wants a free copy of my book? Leave a comment here...tell me how you like today's ornaments and whether you've shipped all your Christmas packages yet (I'm nosey and it'll make me feel better if you haven't either, LOL). I'll pick a random winner Thursday at noon-ish. Woohoo!
Oh, and be sure to check back to see if you're the winner...the way this site is set up, you'll need to email me with your info. :)

Reader Comments (49)
I like the decorated trains but must admit I like the plain one, too. And yes, I did mail my two Christmas packages. Of course I'm only halfway done with my cards...
I like the decorated trains but must admit I like the plain one, too. And yes, I did mail my two Christmas packages. Of course I'm only halfway done with my cards...
I like the decorated trains but must admit I like the plain one, too. And yes, I did mail my two Christmas packages. Of course I'm only halfway done with my cards...
OMGosh, girl! I can't wait to see the new book!!! Does Cheryl have them in yet? I love the ornaments. I'll have to do some of them with the kiddos next week. All of my packages except for 1 are mailed. Well, I cheated and ordered online with direct ship so I didn't actually MAIL them myself ;oP . Also, no cards have left my house yet (they aren't even addressed). I hope you have a fabulous Christmas and I cannot wait to get my hands on your new book.
I love the ornaments. That is such a cute idea and a great tradition to start! I am not mailing any packages this year, but I have not addressed any of my Christmas cards yet. They will be late for sure if I don't get busy! Oh, and I would love to win your book!
I love the idea of having your kids make ornaments every year. I usually buy my son a new Hallmark ornament or two according to the things he has been into that given year. But your creative side is great too. Thanks for the chance to win your book. I am excited to get it even if I don't win it free.
I just got back from the post office! I hope that is the last package I have to mail.
I love the ornaments! The trains are a great idea for boy ornaments. Too cute!
I love the ornaments, and the jingle Santa is my favorite. They're all so cute :) I'm not even done with my shopping, and I have to do part of our Christmas this weekend, ack! :)
First of all, I Love your scrapbooking style. I have been a fan of your column and scraplift your designs all the time. My favorite ornament is the Santa. I love homemade ornaments. We do one each year and put the year made behind it. Thanks for the idea. Well, about the packages, yep, I'm a biggest procrastinator. I have a package to ship to Germany and it's still here with no box. UUGGGHH! I know it won't get there on time for Christmas. Luckily, I have a very understanding long time friend who knows me very well. Thank you for this giveaway. I hope I win this book.
I love the trains! So cute. I have not shipped any of my presents yet. That is on my list for this weekend. Havent even wrapped them yet.
Jennifer B. NYC
I love your trains. What a great idea for old spools! I have a bunch that I inherited from my Grandmother. I save them for special projects because they make me think of her. This would be a great way to use some of my stash!
As for packages, most of my family is nearby. I usually have something shipped directly to those who are farther away. That is done! I still need to make my Christmas cards though. I think I need to make about 75. Does that make you feel better! There is lots of cutting, gluing and stamping to be done.
Merry Christmas!
I love the trains. I kind of reminds me of one I did out of terracotta pots.I almost finished making my Christmas presents.
I shipped all my cards. I'm not sending presents this year. I think the ornaments your boys did are really cute. I love making ornaments with my girls. Thanks for the chance to win your book. :)
Loved your ideas. I try to make my tree unique each year. One year ribbon and pearls, one year yellow stars and blue snowflakes. Already finished with Christmas shopping and that's a total of 6 gifts including the box of new food network like pots and pans my husband and I bought as a together gift, but not including the stocking for my new puppy. Christmas is simple and I love it that way!
As for your book, I'm totally looking forward to receiving it one way or another. I saw the ad for it in the CK magazine and I think it's a great concept. I love to scrap everyday moments and can't wait to use the book as a guide. Am glad to know it's printed now and Congratulations by the way!
i LOVE all of the ornaments, what great treasures to always have....i think it is so cool that you & your boys are making these ornaments..some of my most cherished ornaments are made by family that has passed those ornaments...
i shipped all of my packages except for one just a few minutes ago...i have about 15 cards to mail, they are local cards, so they should get where they need to be on time..(they better!)...
I absolutely love the train ones! I have lots of train lovers in this house and those would be fun!
Let's see...have I shipped...YES! To AZ...the packages to FL are going to be hand-delivered. My problem is the local ones..I still have to finish making/shopping! Phew!
Cool ornament and so easy looking...I'll be adding it to my list for next year's to do's:)
I love the train ornaments, Amanda! It sounds like it was a lot of fun picking out the tree. LOL I HATE cold weather. I live in Illinois, so I know how it is when it is cold and you also have a wind chill to factor in! And to answer your question - i mailed out a few cards but that was it this year. I still have some shopping to do this weekend before I can call it done!
I love the santa ornament. Can you share with us how you created it or where you got the kit? It looks so cute! I mailed out my only package last week-only 3 or 4 people ahead of me in line and not as expensive as I thought it would be! Yeah!!!
I just love the trains, especially Micah's with all the colors. I don't have any packages to mail, but I still have presents to shop for and I still need to get my tree up. Good thing my kids are older and don't think it needs to be up by December 1st anymore. I did get most of my Christmas cards in the mail today.