Help with Halloween?

Yes, yes, I know it's only the start of October but I'm one of those people who likes to think about this stuff in advance. Deal with it. ;)...
Is it horrible that I just really don't want to shell out the cash this year for the costumes the boys want? Last year I found a super good deal on the three matching cowboy costumes and have already recouped my costs by selling them to our local gently used store, after the boys had great fun pretending to be cowboys around the house for much of the year. This year, though, Asher adamantly wants to be the Transformer, Bumblebee (which costs between $30-50 and I can't find any used because they're new this year)...Micah wants to be Diego (guessing I could find a costume but it would likely run about $20-30...and, the larger issue is that it would definitely not be warm enough...Diego wears shorts and a tee with a little vest)...and Noah, thus far, is undecided.
Don't get me wrong. I really kinda like Halloween. Loved how my mom always decorated the house when I was growing up and had plenty of cool homemade costumes...looking forward to carving pumpkins and putting up the pretend spider webs...can't wait to wear my fun Halloween socks...And I don't mind costumes that can get a bit more use than a Transformer costume - like an astronaut costume or a cowboy or other things that can go in the dress up box for pretend play. But I just have trouble stomaching $50 for cheap fabric that won't keep my kid warm, will make visits to the bathroom troublesome, and will only get worn once or possibly twice. Are you with me?
So. With that in mind along with the fact that I don't sew...does anyone have any ideas? I'm serious. ANY ideas. I've considered trying to make robot costumes for the boys using foam and boxes and duct tape and stuff like that, which Noah seems willing to go with. I think I could get excited about this if all three boys would agree...makes more sense to me from an efficiency standpoint to make three of something rather than just one. And I really prefer that they all stick with a single theme. Sadly, though, I acknowledge that this is unlikely to happen most years. It almost definitely won't happen this year as Micah remains adamant about Diego. (We may compromise with him and just let him wear warm clothes with his bath time Diego hooded towel over that...he's little and cute and we're figuring people won't mind, LOL!) Asher, too, though, continues to insist on Bumblebee and claims that making a Bumblebee costume just won't be the same. (Rolling my eyes here)
So, since I don't really want to make just one costume and then buy the outrageously priced one and let Micah wear a towel...and since I don't want to force any of them to be something they don't want to be (thus making Halloween less fun all around)...I've been trying to brainstorm alternatives. Nathan and I even discussed just buying each boy a bag of candy and calling it good, but I don't think they'll go for that. We tossed around the idea of starting some new tradition like a trip somewhere each October in exchange, but again need for the boys to be on board. Basically, I guess I'm just complaining and looking for ideas. At the root of the problem is that I really just don't feel like investing a lot of time or money into costumes this year...would rather save that and try to put it toward Christmas. Sigh. What's a parent to do? :) Really, though...what's a parent to do? Comments please!

Reader Comments (2)
I totally agree with you on this one. I have no desire to shell out money for costumes this year. My oldest son has been some sort of Star Wars character for the past 2 years. He wants the Jango Fett costume and then the blow up jet pack and two guns. I'm trying to get him to wear one of the previously worn costumes again with the promise of a new, different colored light saber. My 2 year old doesn't know any different. I have no idea for him and don't really care. I have costumes left from my oldest that he can probably wear.
Hopefully you can find something neat to make for the three boys. I love the robot idea and there are lots of ideas out there.
We have gone through this situation in years past. Usually I have several costumes stored away that I have picked up at yard sales throughout the year. The kids get to choose one. I love Halloween and the whole dress up thing, but I really hate the trick or treating part and all that junkie candy that never gets eaten. (Don't get me wrong, the chocolate and "good candy" does not go to waste!) I am tempted to try and sway my 10 and 7 year old from the trick or treating thing by offering the following: 1) a camping trip - many of the camp grounds close by offer weekend halloween events such haunted hayrides, campfires and pumpkin carving contests. 2) An evening at a nearby amusement park. We live near Hershey Park and they have a Halloween special addmission from 5-10pm on Halloween. 3) Host a halloween party with a theme. The kids can make costumes to accomodate the theme and decorate the house. The evening activities can include halloween crafts and cookie or cup cake decorating. We can include a spooky walk in the woods. All the kids will get flashlights as party favors! Hopefully they will have so much fun that they could care less about the costumes!