
Just for your information...watching ladies figure skating with a 2.5 year old...particularly a 2.5 year old who *thinks* he can skate like the people on tv and proceeds to try to show you all around the family darn funny. Seriously. :)

Reader Comments (4)
hee hee hee - did you get pictures?
Amanda, thought I'd tell you that Jennica did that same thing when she was about the same age.
Grandma Christine
Girl! We must have been watching the same figure skating on t.v. that night! Hilarious! Hey, I'm 28 and I STILL do that around my house. Does that make me ... weird?
I used to be that little kid "skating" around the room while ice skating was on tv...or gymnastics...we'd watch that and I would do my version of the same thing. Ahhh...those were the days. :)