
Well, we took just shy of 400 pictures yesterday. By just shy, I mean 396. Really. The first hundred or so were taken at the radio control airshow Nathan & the boys went to (while I stayed home and tried to get a little scrapping done). They came home with all sorts of stories and favorites and, of course, with the desire to build model airplanes.
The next two hundred or so pictures were taken at the other nearby airport where planes were on display and tours were available for old WWII bombers. Seriously awesome stuff. We all had great fun seeing everything...well, except maybe Micah who was mostly confined to the stroller. But at least he was in the shade most of the time as a result. The rest of us relied on our hats and the wings of some of the planes but, folks, it was almost a hundred degrees yesterday...probably more there on the tarmac. (Hence the stroller packed with bottled water.) In any case, loads of cool photos both of the boys and the stuff on display (I'm still sorting through them or I'd post them now).
Oh, and just gotta say that my boys are the greatest. After standing in line for maybe an hour waiting to be able to walk through the B-17, Nathan and I were very appreciative of how well behaved our boys are. They were patient. They were not loud. They did not scream every time one of their brothers touched them. They did not feel the need to jump all around and bump into people standing near them. They did not shout and cry and dump water on each other. Yeah. They were good. :)
So, if you're doing the math, that leaves a hundred or so pictures for the fireworks that night. We headed down to the Loveland display (having decided we prefer the slightly less crazy and crowded atmosphere of the Loveland show over the Fort Collins one). Got a decent parking spot and walked in. Set up our blanket and all. And then it started raining. So. Like most people around us, we put up the umbrellas and sat tight. Miraculously, when the show actually started the rain suddenly stopped. Weird but true. The boys, as usual, "oooh"ed and "ahhh"ed. Micah was apprehensive at first but got better after a bit and eventually I even heard a "wow" or two out of him. We managed to get a few decent shots of the fireworks and some fun ones of the boys wrestling after the show was over.
Then we headed home, gave the boys baths and went to bed. Full day. Yesterday.
Hope yours was everything you wanted it to be!
PS. Yes, I realize the irony of talking all about how many photos we took and then not sharing any. I'll fix that. Just give me a bit, okay? :)

Reader Comments (2)
sounds like you had an awesome day amanda :) id love to experience a bit of the 4th july, we dont really have that kind of celebration here...
love the no whining sign too..i could do with one of those...
Can't wait to see those pictures! We spent two hours lying on a fleece throw, bundled in our coats, trying to outlast the howling cold wind at Boiler Bay while waiting for the fireworks to start. It was worth it, but just barely! Home now to 90+ heat! nan