OUT ON A LIMB, week 4...

Thursday again! Ready for another OUT ON A LIMB challenge? Good. Given the holiday season, this week’s challenge is to think of a gift you’d give your loved one this holiday season if he/she were here to receive it. I’ve got a layout in mind for this one, but haven’t finished it yet (sorry!)…will post here when I do!
Alternately (or additionally), do a layout about a gift this year that you’re excited to GIVE. I’m loving seeing all the layouts about wish lists (especially kids’ wish lists! Totally going to do some of those soon…), but got to thinking that we rarely celebrate the giving. Let’s change that up! Why not do a layout about a gift you’ve got for someone and why you chose it?
That’s it. :) Due to the holidays, I’m guessing many of us are more swamped than usual. Please, though, do let me know if you do the challenge...or even just that it inspires you but you haven't tackled it yet. I love hearing your stories!
Reader Comments (1)
I havent managed to do these yet. But i have got a note book with it all in and all my ideas for them so far. I am saving these to do when i have family here over xmas and hopefully get a few hours to myself, child free!!! ( well i can always hope can't i !!! :)