Dude. Micah actually did a little happy dance when we arrived in the Denver airport. (Seriously. So adorable...he kept saying "bye, airport" and "YAY!" whilst Asher would proclaim, "Hello, home!" Think they were glad to be home?) Anyhoo. Yes. We're home after being gone for a week. I'll be unpacking and going through the inboxes tonight...trying to get things in order as we enter the countdown to Christmas. Heaps of pictures to go through (didn't *quite* make it to 1000, but it was close)...be patient with me. :)
Oh, and, before I forget, big ol' thanks to all for the congrats on the CK Dream Team...very cool stuff indeed and I'm uber excited about the coming year. I truly am stoked about the new look and all the cool stuff coming up. Speaking of which, have you seen one of CK's newest publications: Hip, Handmade Gifts? I've only had a chance to breeze through it so far but am already plotting gift ideas!!
Okay, I really should go unpack, if only so I can find my toothbrush. ;) I'll be back tomorrow with another OUT ON A LIMB challenge...

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