Happy Friday!

Just some random things that made me happy today:
1. Walking in to a room and finding my three boys engrossed in a book together about Roman times. (Noah was reading to the other two about Mt. Vesuvius. Man I love Magic Tree House books, especially these research guides.)
2. The "pause" feature on the dvr. Seriously don't know what we did without that.
3. Leftovers. I hate coming up with a new idea for lunch. Leftovers are perfect. :)
4. Finding Micah's crocs! We've been looking for these for about a week now...knew they were in the house somewhere but honestly could NOT find them. We even offered the other two a reward of $1 if they found them (which means they've pretty much turned the house inside out). Still. No crocs. Today, though, Asher (hero of the day) happened upon them while he was looking for something else...and promptly brought them to me to collect his dollar. :) The crocs, since I know you're wondering, were in the boys' "clubhouse for fun" (a big cardboard box with a door and windows cut into it) upstairs. Whew. And because this little thing honestly makes me so happy, here's a picture from this past summer of my Micah enjoying his crocs:
5. I have it on good authority that Santa found one of the elusive items on his list for one of the boys today. Something tells me his "helper" was pretty darn thrilled with herself. ;)
So. What made you happy today?

Reader Comments (3)
Glad you found the crocs! What made me happy today? Watching Mira dance, completely unhindered - just moving her little toddler body to the music with a big smile on her face. Beautiful.
Harry wrote all the numbers from 1 to 5 on his own...very proud mummy here!!!