Brotherly moment.

Just had to share this little moment from earlier tonight. I was getting us drinks after having had our popcorn while watching a dvd. (Quick backstory...Asher pretty much only drinks water, just never been able to get him to drink much else, though he'll make an exception for a Starbucks Strawberries & Creme Frap of course. Anyhow, so Asher just always keeps a couple water bottles in the fridge for self-service purposes because I get tired of filling a water cup every hour.)
So. As I was getting Noah's drink, Asher proclaimed that I didn't need to worry about Micah...that he'd take care of him. Next thing I know, this is what I saw:
Seriously. How cute is that? :)

Reader Comments (3)
how sweet!
Very cute!!
they are absolutely darling! :)