Hi. I'm Amanda...a happy wife and mom to three awesome guys. We've lived here in Fort Collins for more than 20 years and are proud to call it home. Before moving to CO, I worked at a city attorney's office, making use of my law and Master's degrees from Duke. After settling in Fort Collins, I homeschooled my three (now teenage and older) sons and was delighted to experience music classes, soccer, karate, swim team, archery, Science Olympiad, First Lego League, parkour, and climbing (not all at the same time!). From 2005-10, I was also a contributing editor for a national scrapbooking magazine, authoring a book and a couple of monthly columns. From 2009-10, I founded and ran the Good Grief Blog. I enjoy learning new things, spending time with my family, volunteering with The Matthews House, traveling and indoor rock climbing.

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Leaving on a jet plane...

Wheeeee-hoo! (hey, it's a word!) Leaving in the morning for Anaheim and CKU. So incredibly excited. So not packed yet. ;)

So, if you need to reach me in the next few days, I'll likely be unavailable. Sorry. I promise to get back to you when I return.

In the meantime, I'll leave you with these sweet pictures of my boys...because, heck, they're just cute. :) Here's Noah hamming it up while we were playing miniature golf the other day:


And Asher in a typical Asher state...grumpy with me about something (don't worry, it didn't last long) :)


And sweet Micah, just out for a ride:


Doesn't get much better than that. Be good while I'm away! 


Because I see your face is happy...

Oh my goodness. Seriously silly dinner conversation tonight. The boys were, ahem, a wee bit wound up...running like whatever runs insanely after each other throughout the house (okay, so like boys)...growling and jumping and all sorts of mayhem, right? We sit down to dinner. Numerous jokes with the wrong or modified punch lines ensue. So much so that Nathan is cringing and trying not to spew and asking if he can go hide.

So. As is my prerogative as the mom, I decided to mess with the little rascals a bit, right? (I do this fairly often and feel it is my duty as a mother.) I announced that I am an alien. To which, they immediately (and predictably) began listing off reasons that this just wasn't so...

"All aliens are green with purple pointy ears and black eyes" they said...I had to ask why they thought this...Noah said it's like that in all the movies...I said, "what about Independence Day where the aliens are kind of greyish?"...he says, "well, bad aliens are different colors sometimes but the good ones are all green"...of course, what was I thinking?

At this point, I also pointed out that since they're my sons they, themselves, were part alien. Again, vehement denials and some strange explanation from Noah about how aliens don't have babies. This, obviously, begged the question, "if aliens don't have babies, how do they get more aliens?" Noah says, "they start out bigger like kid size, of course." Duh.

By this point, Asher was getting a bit worked up about the whole thing and determined to end it all by telling me that I was joking. "How do you know that I'm not telling the truth?" I ask. He says simply..."because I see your face is happy" and then he gives me this look...you know, the look that says you should know better and stop asking pointless questions. And he left the table.  Guess he told me. ;)


Who knew?

Okay, I'm totally supposed to be doing other things right now (Nathan has all the boys upstairs and I came down to my office to get some work done), but first I just have to show you something. Any of you who have known me awhile probably know I've had this off and on battle with biting my nails. Well, I found a solution! Look:


Yeah, they're not "real"...and it's not really a cost efficient solution...but look how pretty they are! ;)  Backstory...I got my nails done for the very first time about a month ago when I flew out to Utah to film some CK instructional dvds (trust me, you did NOT want to see how my nails really looked). They were so cool I've been maintaining them...told myself just through the middle of June when I go to CKU, right? Until today, I'd just been having plain, boring clear polish. Then, the gal today shows me all these awesome airbrush designs they can do. Dude. I may be hooked. Even after I let these fake nails grow out, the airbrushing thing is so cool. I totally want one. :) Can't you just imagine how much fun that would be on my layouts? (Yeah, yeah...I can do this already using masks and ink...and I *do* sometimes...but a fun new toy never hurt anyone...hee hee.)


And the winner is...


Asher pulled this one out of the basket o' names. :) Sarah, check your email. Thanks all for the great book recommendations (making up a library list now) and birthday wishes! 


Hey, hey it's my birthday!

Woohoo! Feeling pretty dang good about life right now and am celebrating my birthday (and Mother's Day) by going to CKU, so no big doings going on today. I'm wanting to do something fun, though, so how about a little RAK (random act of kindness)? I have a lovely "All About Me" album kit (the ones put out by CK...comes with the album and all the "stuff" and instructions) up for grabs! Just post here and tell me the name of a good book...we signed up for the library's summer reading program yesterday and I'm always on the lookout for good reads, both for myself and the boys. :)

I'll have one of the boys draw a name from the posts tomorrow around noon!