Year Two

Okay, folks, Noah's back on the CSU campus and ready for year two! He's living in the same dorm group (different building, though). Yesterday, he and I moved him in. Unlike last year, it wasn't all five of us. I went to boot camp, Nathan left for work, and I saw brothers off to school. Then, Noah and I loaded the van.
This was the pile before loading up:
It's really not too much stuff, though I was surprised at how easily it all fit in the van. (And this pile was non-existent just 24 hours before this, lol.) We managed everything in just two trips. First, we took most everything...he checked in and got keys and such...and he and I loaded everything into his room. (Once again, we didn't have the assistance of the many students on hand to help lug stuff. They were there. And I'm sure they'd have been happy to help if I'd flagged them down. But I guess we just looked like we had things covered, because no one offered any help...which turned out fine.)
Between the two of us, we parked at the sidewalk and unloaded from the van to his room in 10 minutes. Yup. Ten. (I know because I started a timer since they told me I could only stay parked there for 30 minutes.) One, I'm definitely stronger this year than last. :) Two, the boy really didn't have that much stuff. Three, SOOOOO thankful that he's on the first floor this year instead of the fourth, lol.
After reparking the van, we unpacked his room (well, mostly him...I helped with a couple things and then sat while he did stuff) then got lunch. Then he had a quick job interview (fingers crossed!) before we made a Target run and returned home to pick up the fridge and his bike. Took all that back to campus and unloaded, and I managed to make it home again before Asher & Micah got home from school.
But not before I made him take a picture with me:
Sorry there aren't pictures from his room and all. It wasn't very exciting, lol. It looks pretty much like last year except that the window faces a different direction so the light was different.
Anyhow. After all that, later that evening, I picked Nathan up from the bus stop, grabbed Asher & Micah from karate and got Noah from campus. We all went to dinner then went back to see Noah's space. (He's been assigned a roommate, btw, but he didn't move in yesterday so we haven't met him.) While we were there, both brothers wanted to leave Noah with a little gift...
Yup, they drew fun faces on his closet door (with dry erase markers, after we got the Sharpie away from Micah, lol) so that he could stand there and see himself with them. :) Sadly, Noah erased them all as we were leaving, lol.
So. Classes start Monday. Officially, he's a junior or senior based on credits but this is still his second year and it will take him four altogether. (If he had a different major, having his Associate degree already would have shaved time off. But, mechanical engineering is set up such that he has to take certain classes in a certain order so it will take all four years still. But, having all the general ed stuff out of the way means that his schedule has more room/flexibility than most of his classmates.)
Here's to the 2019-2020 school year!

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