Move-In Day

Wednesday was move-in day.
Well, technically, it was early move-in day at CSU...with only a quarter or so of the 8100 on-campus students moving in a day ahead of the rest. Due to being in the honors program and in the engineering specific dorm that he's in, Noah got to move in early.
We'd been collecting things in a pile in our front room over the summer and loaded most of it into the van the night before (after enjoying a nice dinner out with Noah's new roommate and his parents). Honestly, I was surprised at how much extra room we still had. :) In any case, we went to sleep Tuesday night feeling pretty ready...aside from the fact that Nathan still wasn't back from his last minute business trip. (His flight was delayed, and he ended up getting home around 1 am.)
Wednesday morning, I got up and went to boot camp then came home and woke everyone. We all had breakfast and headed out the door...a little later than planned but just fine on time. We arrived to a less-crowded-than-anticipated drop off lane and got Noah checked in and unloaded up to his fourth floor room. Though assured that there would be plenty of CSU helpers to carry everything for us, we ended up carrying all of Noah's stuff ourselves (and by "ourselves" I mean Nathan, Asher and Micah primarily, lol, as Noah and I stayed in the room and started unpacking as things came's good to bring your own crew). Nathan says he noticed that girls unloading seemed to have many more helpers, lol. But, it was all fine, since we didn't have too much anyhow. :)
After getting everything upstairs and moving the cars out of the unloading zone, we unpacked everything and Nathan, Asher and Micah assembled things in the hallway. We had Noah's part of the room mostly done in about two hours and had even tested the microwave by making some popcorn, lol.
This was our pile at home and in the vehicles and then checking in and the early stages of unpacking. (Yes, we bought and brought our own dolly to help with the mini fridge and it was handy. We're sure it will get more use over the years.) Here's what it looked like after all that:
As you can see, it's one of the newer buildings and is pretty sweet as dorms go. The two roommates have their own sink and bathroom. Both boys opted to have their beds lofted and put stuff underneath.
And here are some other pictures we managed during the day:
(Nathan's a little more sad than I am...)
(...though maybe not as sad as Micah.)
After getting Noah mostly situated, we all enjoyed lunch at the nearby dining hall before Nathan left to take Asher to his CEC classes. Micah and I stayed to walk over to the student center with Noah to pick up his pre-ordered textbooks and supplies, then said our goodbyes as well so that Noah could get to scheduled events and Micah and Asher could get to karate.
And that was Wednesday...

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