
So. Apparently I'm now the parent of a sophomore. ;) Yikes. Here was Noah on his first morning back to school:
He wasn't altogether perturbed or anything. Amazing. ;)
He's still at CEC (Colorado Early Colleges) and we're pretty happy with how that's going. He's already got nine college credits to his name and will add nine more this semester, having gotten most all prerequisites out of the way and tested out of high school level classes last fall/winter. This semester, he'll be taking English 122, World Mythology, 20th Century World History, and Spanish 1. (Spanish is the only high school level class and should be interesting since we've never tackled that before.) Given the college classes (which fortunately are all still on campus so he only goes to the CEC campus), he was able to work his schedule so that he only goes from roughly 10-2 every day (with a one hour lunch on Tuesdays and Thursdays). Not bad at all.
(You may notice that there are no math or science classes in his schedule. Which is odd for him. But. He's already exhausted the math and science classes offered on the CEC campus yet is still technically too young to take off campus classes at the community college. We got an under-age waiver but decided that if we can push it one more semester before sending him to off campus classes, we'll do that. So, he'll start off campus classes in the spring (still requiring that under-age waiver). In the meantime, I'm making him do a math curriculum on his own time this semester so that he's ready come January. He's so excited, lol.)

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