The past week...

One week ago today...the same day as the swim meet I mentioned...we had this:
Pretty much a repeat of the hail storm we had about a month before that, though the first storm was at night and lasted longer:
Yes, that's hail forming a river in the street in front of our house. Lovely. :) Very glad to have a garage after seeing the hail damage on cars around town. (And, yes, we had some roof damage. We're still sorting that out.)
Anyhow, back to this past week...last Saturday, then, the boys ran their third fun run in the Healthy Kids series:
As it turns out, the run was a bit less than a full mile (roughly 0.7 miles by our estimates when we drove the course later since our guys wanted to know)...but Micah was still darn proud of his time; they all were. ;) We then went home to tackle dreaded yard work, watch some World Cup soccer and play a new board game.
Sunday, I got to hang out with a friend and play (eat, shop, chat...woohoo!) while Nathan and the boys spent some boy time together. Later that night, we watched the Women's World Cup final that we'd recorded earlier...awesome game!
Yesterday, the boys and I finished our grammar curriculum for the school year. Yay! (We still try to stick to the three weeks on, one week off...we're in the middle of the second week of this session and then should have three more weeks in August. But. We recently decided to try to finish out what we have left all by the end of this three week session so that we can take August completely off. We've been going through just one subject at a time to try to accomplish this. So far, so good!)
And, then, this morning, Noah had another swim meet:
He has just one more this coming Saturday and then the summer swim team will be over. We're probably going to sign up for the school year swim team...that'll start in September. :)
And that was our past week. ;)

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