Our morning...

Here's how we spent this fine Wednesday morning:
Okay. Technically, this is how *Noah* spent this fine Wednesday morning. Asher, Micah and I spent it sitting and watching the swim meet. :) We were at the pool a little over 4 hours. Thankfully, the first third or so of the meet was overcast. Thankfully, too, there was a large umbrella available during the rest of the meet. Still, though, we were hot (we'd dressed for the overcast, in lieu of the thunderstorms of last night). And the boys can only take so many games of Countdown and playing on the iPhone. Regardless, I'm so happy with this swim team experience. Noah's really enjoying it and gaining independence and a willingness to try new things (for instance, today he competed in the freestyle relay, even though he doesn't really like freestyle). I think, too, that he appreciates having something that's "his."
If, though, by chance, you have any ideas on ways to pass the time during a swim meet...I'd dearly love to hear 'em. :)

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