
Just so ya know...I ran my first 10K last weekend. It was the Heart Center of the Rockies 10K in Loveland. (They also had the half marathon and the 5K along with the last Healthy Kids Fun Run.) It was cold. ;) Unlike the 5K I did five weeks before, where it was in the 80s, I'm not sure that we broke freezing on Saturday. Still. I did it. :) Here's me crossing the finish line:
Freezing worries aside, it actually was fun. My friends Deanna & Pete (who are both awesome runners) ran it with me and both rocked their previous times. (Since this was my first, I didn't have anything to compare it to. But. It was almost exactly double my 5K time, so I'm calling that good.) While we all ran, Nathan took our combined six kiddos for hot chocolate...it was just too cold for them to stand around outside waiting for us, but they were back in time to cheer each of us across the finish line.
And, with that, I think my 2011 racing season is likely over, in favor of warmth and enjoying the holidays. :) A year ago, I didn't even own a pair of running shoes. Since August, I've run two 5Ks and a 10K. Frankly, I'm amazed. Who knows what 2012 will bring?

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